So many questions, we get it, and we hear you.
There’s a lot to consider, a lot to take in, a lot to action and a lot to look forward to.
We’ve had a number of questions repeated enough times to know there’s likely more of you who’d like to know, so we thought we’d share the answers to some of of the top questions coming through about partner dancing
Question #1: What are the extra safety precautions in place?
We’re currently in the midst of finalising taking all the actions to comply with the new Industry specific Dance & Physical Performing Arts (DPPA) COVID Safe Plan which was released on Wednesday, plus a few extra’s we believe are important before Monday’s classes.
On arrival: We’ll be checking your temperature with contactless thermometers to ensure your temperature is within a safe range. If your temperature is above the recommended range you will be asked to return home. On arrival you will need to sanitise your hands and check-in will be done by your instructor. If you’re attending more than one class or changing partners, you will be asked to sanitise your hands again between.
Shared surfaces: Shared contact areas will continue to be limited and will be sanitised between each class. Disposable gloves will be available should you prefer to wear them while partnering.
Masks: We’re not, at this stage, providing masks however we absolutely support you wearing one if you prefer. All our research has lead us to understand that they should be used if/when you have symptoms to avoid spreading them, and if you have any symptoms, please, you must not attend class.
Water: Water bubblers continue to be switched off, and no bottled water provided, so please ensure you bring a water bottle.
Bathrooms: Toilets will be available in Studio 1 only and will be cleaned more regularly. As the bathrooms for Studio 2 are shared and we cannot guarantee sanitisation. Please still ensure you come dressed and ready to dance rather than using bathrooms to change.
Social Distancing is in place: Please be aware that while not practicing partner work we are following social distancing guidelines strictly, and for now, our team will not be partnering anyone except another team member. While it may seem a little contradictory, it’s a part of the Return to Play & DPPA COVID Safe Plan that social distancing is adhered to at our Studios at all times besides when partner dancing is underway.
Your safety, the safety of our team and the wider community are of utmost importance to us, and while we would love to be able to give each and every one of you a big hug, and we’re sure you’d love to be hugging your dance friends after not seeing them potentially for months, that will have to wait for now.
Question #2: How will it work if there’s little to no changing of partners if I’m coming on my own?
If you’re not dancing with your partner or a chosen friend, and you’re keen to dance with a partner either in a dance hold or ‘wi-fi’, your instructors will make a note of this, and will set up partners per class, keeping track to rotate throughout the weeks to avoid numerous partner changes within one class. Depending on ratio this may mean one to two partner changes maximum with potentially two followers swapping with one leader. Remember you can continue to follow along dancing solo if you prefer, we absolutely respect this choice.
Question #3: What do the special COVID Memberships mean, what’s included & when will they end?
Basically, you get a whole lot extra with ALL Memberships. When you purchase a One Course or Starter Intro Membership, you get access to the matching Virtual Studio Course.
One Day Unlimited has disappeared because it’s been boosted to Two Days Unlimited, so you’re paying for One Day Unlimited & receiving Two.
Similarly, the Three Days Unlimited Membership is at the price of Two Days Unlimited, so again you get a full extra Unlimited Day.
And if you’re going for Unlimited Membership you’ll receive a 4 week Coaching Package.
PLUS all of these Memberships also give you access to the equivalent days in our Virtual Studio, which now includes full Starter & Foundation Courses & will soon have 20 weeks of each core Focus Level Course & dance style.
How long will the special additions be included? We aren’t sure yet. We’ll be basing it on how things continue to unfold. However, we will be sure to give plenty of notice when it’s time for Memberships to move back to their normal inclusions.
Question #4: Why are classes only 50min long instead of 1hr?
Three reasons. : ) 1. To allow us to sanitise all shared surfaces & areas between classes. 2. To allow people to leave before others join the next class to maintain allowed # of people in the studio. 3. So we can bring you 4 classes per night = more dancing options & fun.
Do you have other questions about returning to partner dance we haven’t yet answered? Please let us know
via email. While we’re trying to think of as many situations and options as possible along with following the new DPPA COVID Safe Plan, we’re always looking to learn more, finding new scenario’s and wanting to improve.
Big thanks to everyone who’s been emailing, messaging or calling for your patience as we’ve been working through a high volume of contact. If you haven’t heard back from us yet with your enrolment request, we will get back to you by Monday, or Tuesday at the latest.
We’re so looking forward to seeing everyone joining us next week, and to getting back to dancing across both Studios 7 days a week again.
Dance for life!
Your Rio Team