by Jada de Goey Teatini-Climaco | Mar 21, 2023 | Everything Else
Hi, we’re going to talk about how important it is for you to have different role models for you to become a good dancer. My name is Tarcisio, I’m from Rio Rhythmics Latin Dance Academy, improving lives through Latin Dance, culture & community. Like in life we...
by Jada de Goey Teatini-Climaco | Mar 14, 2023 | Everything Else
Is Latin dance sexy or sensual? Find out what Julz has learnt & what she loves about Latin Dance & culture. We sat down with one of our members Julz the other week and asked her about her experience doing Latin dance with us. We love discovering why people...
by Jada de Goey Teatini-Climaco | Feb 14, 2023 | Dance Theory, Everything Else, Feature Stories
“Dance is a conversation” is something our Founding Director, Tarcisio Teatini-Climaco, has been saying for over two decades. So we decided to get him to spill the beans on exactly why, and this is what he said… For the past 28 years I have been...
by Jada de Goey Teatini-Climaco | Feb 1, 2023 | Course Updates, Everything Else, Feature Stories, News
There are two common trains of thought when you’re thinking about starting Latin dancing. Maybe you fall into one of these? One is being worried about having to memorise a whole lot of steps because you’re probably already holding so much in your head...
by Jada de Goey Teatini-Climaco | Jan 21, 2023 | Dance Theory, Everything Else, Feature Stories, Latin Culture
Today, Tarcisio said to me, lets talk about style! I said, ok, your’s or mine? Haha, kidding… Let’s talk about style when it comes to a cultural dance, specifically social Latin dance. People sometimes think that style is the way a dance style looks,...
by Jada de Goey Teatini-Climaco | May 17, 2022 | Course Updates, Everything Else, News
You could samba, you could Bachata, you could salsa or you could dance them all! Join us for brand new 10 week Intro Courses starting from 24 May. When you sign up for one 10 week Intro Course you’ll receive complimentary unlimited access *to ALL our current...