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It’s very important to understand why people in different cultures move in such specific way. Well, the theme today is not about the physical or the movement itself. The movement can be copied but the feeling behind it is what will make it looks authentic, unique, special, and show who you are.

Learn to dance at Rio Rhythmics will change your lives and also if you change your life a little bit, we guarantee it will help you to learn faster. There is much more in Latin dancing, in partner dancing, than a bunch of movements done with the music, the most important thing is what we feel when we listen to the music, to a specific culture. It’s purely a cultural thing, it’s what make we dance in a specific way.

What we’re talking about here is the connection of the dancer with the music, that cultural feeling that will already change most of people a fair bit. Let’s say I’m shy, I feel awkward to move and I’m introverted, then it’s very challenging to be dancing and lift the arms and move around. It’s very challenging to dance like that, because it’s hard for me to take the action of lifting my arms to dance samba, for example.

If we spend our lives crossing arms, with the head down, how are we going to dance freely? On the other hand, if someone’s extremely extroverted it will help a lot to communicate within a body language to learn how to do that. We had one student who was a great dancer but who used to over express, exaggerate every movement and he would tell me: “But that’s what I feel, you talked about feeling”, and I used to tell him: “That’s okay, but you are not, now, talking the language of Samba anymore, because you need to be within that language.”

If you are starting to dance now or thinking about learning to dance, please think about the number of benefits you will get from that. If you have been dancing for a while and did not think about those things, maybe you should get a dance coach to guide you through so many of those aspects that make a good dancer. Most of the dance studios never talk about that and I have to say it’s something quite easy to be forgotten when you have so much stuff to teach.

Now, let’s talk about the connection between partners and how that will change your life. We don’t only need to know and feel the music in the specific culture but we also need to know how to relate with a partner within that context and culture, to be able to be there to feel that and express that properly.

I learned while teaching Australia for so many years that is hemming people’s head something since they were children, called personal space. We don’t have much of personal space in South America. A balance of both would be good but it would make a very big difference. Sometimes I say in class: ” Get a partner” and you see people, they are like the room is empty. Even the way to invite someone to dance can be more friendly and opened.

I love teaching people how to learn to dance the entire day, every day; by walking on the streets, meeting people, sitting down in front of the computer. That’s why our slogan is: Dance for life!

If you go thousands of years ago, dance was always an extremely important part of life. Natives all over the world would dance before hunting to make sure they would find what to hunt, after hunting to celebrate it, and they would dance to ask for rain and dance to celebrate that rain. Before the war and after a war, to kill someone, to celebrate that, on birth, on funerals… It’s so sad that dance, for many many many years, was associated to primitive attitude and dance was almost eradicated from the day by day life.

Now, what’s Latin dance? It’s just what the millions of Africans brought from Africa when they came to work in the plantations and in the gold mines, they brought their culture, they bought their dance and above all, they bought the way how they deal with people.

So uncross your arm, smile more, shake more hands, embrace more people, hug, hug, hug, lift your head, open your chest, invite people into your life, make friends. All of those little things will make you learn to dance faster.

Then, dance is not only inside the studio. Bring dance to your life and life will come to your dance. Please make some comments, ask some questions. I’m here to help you find the best way to become the best dancer you can be!

Tarcisio Teatini-Climaco
Founding & Artisic Director

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