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Hi, we’re going to talk about how important it is for you to have different role models for you to become a good dancer. My name is Tarcisio, I’m from Rio Rhythmics Latin Dance Academy, improving lives through Latin Dance, culture & community.

Like in life we don’t have one role model only, we have our family to start with, we have many friends. What do we do? We relate with some friends, we say, “oh those are good friends to have”, or “those are not”. And we have some people that are not a friend, but they inspire you by their personality and what they do, and we have books and we have everything…

We don’t follow one person.

Now as an experience, as a dancer, how did I learn to dance. I had never been formerly to a dance Academy, I used to go out dancing having fun, watching people dancing, dance with some people, getting some feedback from followers, observing some leaders, trying some things. Just having fun. Not the idea that “I want to learn how to dance”, no, just doing that spontaneously. Now, I had thousands of different role models to make the dancer I am now.

With my background of learning Ballet for many years I was able to put lots of this into a system, however, I don’t expect that someone wants to follow me exactly and dance exactly the same way I dance. Because, unless they have the same body type, the same mind, it’s impossible. Individuality is essential. You should not expect to dance exactly the same as someone.

Now it’s very important to learn from many different teachers to watch people dancing, that’s how it’s going to inspire. One teacher will give you some important points, you’ll say, “wow, I got that”. Some other teachers some different things. And some teachers will inspire you in different ways than others, some are more into the technique, some more the feeling.

That’s why at Rio Rhythmics we offer you a big range of male and female teachers. They’re all fantastic, they all have their strengths in different areas and will give you the capability to learn to observe very good role models across a big spectrum.

In addition, the advantage of having classes with different teachers at the same Academy is that our team is communicating about your classes progress and tailoring the curriculum accordingly while still providing a variety of role models for you to follow.

This way, you are going to create your own way of doing things. Your individuality is very important. It’s a bit frustrating if you’re trying to copy someone exactly but your body is different, your feeling is different, your age is different.

Then, all of those things will make you a very accomplished dancer. Remember the best dancer is the one who’s partner enjoys dancing with.

Please leave your comments below, give us your opinion, and if you want to get more tips, and hear more about dance, inspiring things about dance, because dance is not only something this big, it’s unlimited and we have a lot of knowledge and a lot to give in those areas.

If you want to hear more, go to our website and sign up for dancing news. Thank you and dance for life!

Tarcisio Teatini-Climaco
Founding & Artisic Director

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